
Ken Brady’s latest story, “Walkers of the Deep Blue Sea and Sky” appears in the Exquisite Corpuscle anthology, edited by Jay Lake and Frank Wu.

Luc Reid writes about the psychology of habits at The Willpower Engine. His new eBook is Bam! 172 Hellaciously Quick Stories.

Susannah Mandel’s short story “The Monkey and the Butterfly” is in Shimmer #11. She also has poems in the current issues of Sybil’s Garage, Goblin Fruit, and Peter Parasol.

Read Daniel Braum’s story Mystic Tryst at Farrgo’s Wainscot #8.

Proust1: A Primer, which the Author Painstakingly Annotated to Allow How Not to Read about a Lout Whose Crimes Spouted against Humanity Are Not in Doubt2

by Trent Walters

Squatting on the bottom library step, the mousy, elfin-framed man named Arthur4 dusted his snake5-skin suit, glanced at his watch6, then adjusted his horned1-rims to watch an old woman6 wheeze and labor7 up the steps with a dolly that held his titanic8 stack of manuscript pages. She paused to catch her breath and pushed long tresses of gray hair out of her face.

“Cease wool-gathering, Miss Mykoytress.” His eyelids hooded to slits. “We haven’t words enough and time9 before I present my doctoral thesis.”

“Did you reproduce this thesis and read three-thousand pages of Remembrances?”

Art raised himself, as if slowly uncoiling his legs. “That facsimile records the achievements of the all-time greatest novel.”

“I read the first fifty before I realized I hadn’t read the first.”

He hissed, ready to strike.

“I reread it, realizing he taught himself to write on my time. I don’t have much left.”

Scenting the proverbial lost sheep’s weakness, Art flicked his forked-tongue7 and slithered7 up the steps to make the intellectual kill. “He had strapping male companions, one of whom Proust bought an airplane which the companion promptly crashed into the ocean. Proust never regained the time lost from the loss.”

“I prefer Of Mice and Men.” The tresses of her hair writhed and turned him to stone.


1 Pronounce Proust like Faust2 jousting it out with the metamorphosing Mephistopheles, whose elfin frame housed a Machiavellian mind that deluded the most casually espoused Marlowean/Goethean readers of Chairman Mao’s social policies.

2 The author uses assonance3 to demonstrate artfully4 the proper pronunciation.

3 The auctorial3 terms “ass-onance” and “pomp-ass” resonate like pans9 of Teflon-coated Freudian slips for the propensity to use overly erudite3 and pompous3 terms like “auctorial” in a flagrant flaunt of critical authority.10

4 The “author” impishly misdirects the reader with “Arthur” to obfuscate his identity slipping a devilishly deceptive “author” into the title.

5 The wise old woman archetype tempted into servitude by the wise old serpent male archetype.

6 Sly injection of the symbol of time.

7 Scathing indictment of the bourgeois laissez faire.

8 Double entendre alluding to the recyclable Greek myths and the ship that lost a thousand faces9. Note the juxtaposed conflation of a child’s and a man’s play toys: a doll-y and a ship (with phallic suggestion)–let alone the bio-ethical reproductive dilemma of cloning inherent in a “dolly.”

9 Marvel at the coy allusion to Andrew Marvell’s poem.

10 Never trust auctorial3 critical authority.

2 Responses to “Proust1: A Primer, which the Author Painstakingly Annotated to Allow How Not to Read about a Lout Whose Crimes Spouted against Humanity Are Not in Doubt2

  1. Jeremiah Tolbert Says:

    April 4th, 2007 at 12:58 pm

    Love the crazy formatting on this one, Trent. Great work.

  2. Trent Says:

    April 4th, 2007 at 1:35 pm
