
Angela Slatter’s story ‘Frozen’ will appear in the December 09 issue of Doorways Magazine, and ‘The Girl with No Hands’ will appear in the next issue of Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet.

David Kopaska-Merkel’s book of humorous noir fiction based on nursery rhymes, Nursery Rhyme Noir 978-09821068-3-9, is sold at the Genre Mall. Other new books include The zSimian Transcript (Cyberwizard Productions) and Brushfires (Sams Dot Publishing).

Read Daniel Braum’s story Mystic Tryst at Farrgo’s Wainscot #8.

Alex Dally MacFarlane’s story “The Devonshire Arms” is available online at Clarkesworld.

The Daily Cabal Summer Special: Day 5

by Rudi Dornemann

We’re changing things up a bit this week, giving you updates on cabalists you haven’t seen here in a while mixed with some microfiction pieces that are even more micro than our usual fiction. To read yesterday’s story, just click “previous story” further down this page.

Where are they: Alex Dally McFarlane

This entry isn’t so much a “where are they now” as a “where are they?” Alex has been traveling the world for more than a year now, and we hope she’ll return to Cabal eventually. In the meantime, you can follow her travelblogging , or check out her poetry and short stories .

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