Happy 13,000,000,000th

by David

1. Yahweh.
2. Just Me. And the Cat.
3. I’m retired.
4. Worked for 6 kalpas in Fundamental Constant maintenance.
5. Enough to get by.
6. Tea? It’s My special blend.
7. My hobby is gardening. Continua just happen.
8. Once I had to fumigate the entire house with Spacetime Dissipator.
9. An accident.
10. Pot boiled over while I was out weeding firmaments.
11. Bean soup. All fresh ingredients from my Garden. Delicious.
12. Missed a spot when I cleaned up. 13. They expand so quickly in the first few microseconds!
14. Collapse Me! It was only 5 dimensions to start with.
15. Life already?! Don’t that beat all.
16. Last time I looked the first matter was forming.
17. Complex ecosystems, terrestrial organisms, tool use? I’m flabbergasted.
18. I have certainly been remiss.
19. Should have cleaned it up long ago.
20. My only excuse is that I stay out in the Garden until dark.
21. By the time I’ve made dinner, I’m ready to rest.
22. But I really need to clean the stove soon.


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