
Angela Slatter’s story ‘Frozen’ will appear in the December 09 issue of Doorways Magazine, and ‘The Girl with No Hands’ will appear in the next issue of Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet.

Alex Dally MacFarlane’s story “The Devonshire Arms” is available online at Clarkesworld.

Jason Erik Lundberg‘s fiction is forthcoming from Subterranean Magazine and Polyphony 7.

Read Rudi’s story “Detail from a Painting by Hieronymus Bosch” at Behind the Wainscot.

Archive for the ‘Sara Genge’ Category

Petri-Dish Pink

Thursday, October 25th, 2007

They ordered their girls pink and their boys blue. Purple and green were also available, but the elderly parents who bought artificial children preferred conservative colors. Human skin tones were illegal, obviously. It would have been distressing to have artificial children grow up to infiltrate Human society.


When Mary was eleven, she caught site of another pink head spying her from the neighbour’s house. That night, Mary crept out of bed and threw stones at the other girl’s window until she came down.

“What’s your name?”

“Mary, yours?”


The girls laughed.

“I’m bored, Mary,” said Mary.

“Do you want to swap?,” replied Mary.

They switched pyjamas and swapped houses. Mary loved her new room.

In the morning, her new mother came to kiss her good morning. Her mother didn’t notice the change.


They wanted their girls pretty and their boys smart but sending them to school was out of the question. The younger adults weren’t prepared to support the artificial baby-boom so the Mary and Peter models stayed at home and played on the computer.


Mary enjoyed being a different Mary for a while, but staying at home all the time wasn’t much fun. It was just as boring to be Next Door Mary as it had been to be the previous Mary.

This time, she wouldn’t stay in the same neighbourhood. She searched the Internt for other Marys in her city, but they all seemed to lead the same boring lives.

Then, she found out about China. Her parents were concerned about China, they said, because artificial children where put to work there. They also said that Chinese people called their Marys Yings. Mary had never worked and she had never been called Ying. It sounded fun, so she got on the computer.

“Who wants to swap?” she asked the Chinese Yings.

Woe Vs Leg: action suit

Monday, October 8th, 2007

On October 1234 OC., Mr. Woe’s leg presented itself at the Newstalk
Police Station to denounce Mr. Woe for alleged mistreatment of an
extremity and improper walk without wages, resulting in two lost toes
due to frostbite.

Mr Woe, who was himself along for the ride, dismissed the accusations
as “fabulations” and told the police that “he was damned if his leg
was going to tell him what to do”.

Mr Woe is a professional mountain climber, internationally known for
his speed, as well as for his disregard for the safety of
his Sherpas and body-parts. The limb reported that it was only after
being forced to keep going without food and half-frozen on Mr. Woe’s last
climb to the Everest, that it decided to breach its lifelong contract
with William Woe.

At the close of this edition, the Court had not yet called a date for
the hearing, although sources claim the State prosecutor may decide to
bring a case against Mr. Woe.

“A leg has rights,” the state prosecutor allegedly said in a private
family gathering on Monday, while massaging a sore toe.

Leg’s attorneys have said that the Leg doesn’t plan to settle outside
of court and that it wants to bring Mr. Woe to justice. They’ve also
informed this reporter that they are in the middle of
negotiations with Mr. Woe’s Sherpas in the hopes of agreeing on the terms of a
joint law-suit against Mr. Woe.

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